PastorAlanThank you for stopping by our website to check out Unionville Church. We appreciate you taking the time to connect with us in this way.
Spend some time looking through the newsletters and the photos and you will see we are an active church for all ages.
Unionville Church is a community of faithful followers of Jesus Christ in the Wesleyan tradition striving to become more like Jesus as we enter a life of worship, hospitality, service, and generosity. We celebrate worship through traditional hymns, prayer, scriptures, and messages deeply rooted in the Scriptures. We grow in our understanding of the Disciple’s journey through Sunday School for all ages, week-night Kid’s Club and Youth programs, and studies for adults at all stages of growth as we seek to become more like Jesus.
We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in this place and this time as we seek to be in service to our community through the use of our Family Life Center. The operation of Compassionate Ministries Food Pantry is a partnership of local churches serving those in need in our community hosted at our facility. Our mission team oversees our engaging in the work of local mission partners as well as mission trips to other places of need as well.
Unionville is a wonderful place to put your faith into action as we strive together to be the church God has called us to be.
We would love to have you join us in worship, learning, and service.  Please do not hesitate to stop by or give us a call to learn more about our ministries, to meet a need in your life, or to connect with others on the discipleship pathway.
Alan J Morrison
Unionville Church

Contact Us

Unionville Church
1297 Route 68
Rochester, PA 15074
(New Sewickley Twp,
Beaver County, PA)
Reverend Alan J. Morrison, Pastor
Church Office:
Phone:  (724) 843-0862
Leave a message please

Sunday Schedule

Worship Service: 9:30 AM
School-year Schedule:
Sunday School: 11:00 AM
Kid's Club: 6:30 PM
Youth: 6:30 PM
Time, Talent, Treasure: 6:30 PM
 Our facility is handicap accessible.
Hearing impaired devices and large print hymnals are available on request.
A staffed nursery is available on Sunday mornings.